I am CEO of OnShore Technology Group, an IV&V firm based in Chicago. We offer validation services as well as ValidationMaster Enterprise Validation Management and Quality System. I hold a BS in Civil & Environmental Engineering from UW-Madison and an MBA in Information System from Keller GSM.

Passionate for Testing. Learning new Methodologies in Testing and certified ISTQB and Agile tester. I'm always looking to learn new things!
Alison Lakey, Embedded Tester, Practice Velocity
Darlene Soukhaphonh, Quality Services, Root Cause Analyst, TMNA Services
JoAnn Foss, Associate Test Analyst, Digi-Key Electronics
Katelyn Kappas, QA Engineer, Insight Catastrophe Group
STARWEST 2016 Attendee
Heather Doll, Lead QA Engineer, Virtual Radiologic
Beth Jackson, QA Lead, DuPont Pioneer
Jasna Skrbec, PM, NIL
Angela Rapone, QA Manager, Florida Hospital
Dawn Jardine, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, Razorfish
Ratika Garg, Test Lead, Taco Bell
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